Thursday, 26 June 2008

A new hair-do

Judy (MIL) and I went to the hairdressers yesterday and I had my hair professionally colored for the first time in my life - got to get rid of the greys!! Had it straightened too - just so the kids wouldn't recognise me. It was a nice luxury.


  1. You look like ... someone else! I like it; you just look really different!!

  2. Wow, it looks smashing, amazing what a new hairdo can do, nice one! One day when I grow my hair back I'll try it too!:D

  3. one hair wash and it is all gone... no fun! I want straight hair!!

  4. Once curly always curly I guess, unless you're prepared to keep on straightening it that is! Oh well, at least you had it straight long enough to get your photo taken & replace your profile pic!:D
