Saturday 8 November 2008


Funny how people often talk about suicide rates - Doesn't Sweden have one of the highest suicide rates in the world? is something I have been asked many, many times. Suicide rates are always shifting and people are often comparing national rates.

To be honest I think it is irrelevant. Statistics can be misleading and the numbers are just numbers.

The heart of the matter is that suicide is one of the greatest tragedies of mankind. It rips apart the survivors, throwing their lives into turmoil and chaos. What brings someone to so tragically, so violently end their life?

Today is the 27th anniversary of the death of my father.
He was just three years older than I am.
This is one earthquake the Richter Scale can't measure, the aftershock goes on forever....

If ever you or someone close to you needs help, it is available.
SPES is the Swedish national organisation for suicide prevention and survivor's support.

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